Meet the small Aglaonema plant
The Aglaonema family is a small family, with only 55 different species. But to make the family a little bigger, they are part of the Araceae family. Where for example also the Alocasia and Anthurium are part of. The roots of the Aglaonema lie in the tropical regions of Indonesia.
Some nice features of the Aglaonema are that the plant never grows bigger than approximately 90 cm (because the leaves grow directly from the ground) and the Aglaonema has a unique leaf with beautiful patterns on it. Most species are green with grey/white partons, but there are also species with red/purple colours.
Have you hunted the Aglaonemas on Planthunters yet? In cooperation with Van Vliet Potplanten, you can hunt these plants on planthunters. Or see our availability on the Van VLIET Webshop.