This is how you keep your Alocasia alive
The Alocasia is a plant that counts 79 different species! These species are found everywhere from tropical to subtropical Asia to eastern Australia. Alocasia is native to the tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia.
The Alocasia is a very popular houseplant. This is partly due to the diversity of this plant. You have the Alocasia with pink stems, zebra stems, dark leaves, light leaves, with leaf markings or without. So there is something for everyone!
The Alocasia needs some attention. Below are a few tips to keep your Alocasia alive as long as possible:
- The Alocasia comes from a tropical environment, imitate this environment at home and your plant will live considerably longer.
- This plant loves a shower or plant spray, so do this regularly.
- During the growing season, give the plant food twice a month, this is good for the health of the Alocasia.
- Make sure the plant is not too cold, 18 to 22 degrees is ideal.
Have you hunted the Alocasia’s on Planthunters yet? In cooperation with Van Vliet Potplanten you can hunt these plants on Planthunters.