
Oxalis plants, with their clover-like leaves, make a perfect New Year’s gift, symbolizing good luck and happiness for the coming year. Their unique foliage adds a touch of nature and charm to any festive celebration.
Fun Facts:
Night Owls: Oxalis triangularis exhibits nyctinasty, folding its leaves at night and reopening them in the morning, almost as if it sleeps and wakes with you!
Lucky Charms: In many cultures, Oxalis is kept as a symbol of good luck and happiness, especially around New Year’s.
Oxalis plants are known for their unique, trifoliate leaves, which resemble clover. The leaves can be green or purple and are often sensitive to light, folding up at night or during adverse weather. Oxalis flowers are equally enchanting, typically small and delicate, ranging in colours from white and yellow to pink and purple. These plants can be either annual or perennial, depending on the species and growing conditions.